

Resumo do projeto

Our project concerns developing an aid for people who have trouble with basic hand functions such as bending their fingers. The product is developed primarily for people who have arthritis in their hands and fingers. Arthritis affects a lot of people worldwide, and an estimated 530 million people have arthritis according to the World Health Organisation (2019). Throughout all of our project we have worked using the iterative design method. Using this method we have continuously been able to make many improvements to our product and the overall structure of our project. While working with and using the iterative design method, we also happened to use many other methods, for example: qualitative and quantitative research methods, persona and target group research, and for the production and disposal of our product – LCA: Life cycle analysis, Flow diagram and Gantt card. We have also made a competitor analysis for market research. Using a mixture of qualitative and quantitative data collected from the target group to respectively gather a lot of detailed information about what an aid should be, and to ensure that these requirements were relevant to the target group as a whole and not just the few we interviewed. The target group has also helped in the testing phase to give us feedback on our prototypes. Experts have commented on it and we have used all of this information to fuel our iterative design process; the engineering method! We have gotten very positive comments by occupational therapists and arthritis patients, who tell us that the aid we have made would help them immensely in their everyday lives. With our project we have developed a product with abundant value. PalmArtrit is a product that is able to help many different people all over the world, with some of the world’s many different problems. PalmArtrit can give new possibilities to people who long have suffered with disease or damage affecting their hands. Our product can help people of all ages by bringing them back into social groups and communities. Even though it was made with arthritis patients in mind for use in physical activities, the low-tech and simple nature of PalmArtrit (which makes many wonder why such an aid has not been developed) makes it so everyone with some kind of hand function problem can benefit, e.g. victims of Parkinson’s disease. Our mission in PalmArtrit is to help people all over the world with reduced hand function because of arthritis or other horrible diseases, so they can get the independence they deserve, avoid pains and get back in their social circle! Keywords: #Arthritis #Aids #PainAndRelief #EngeneeringMethod #LowTechHighFunction #IterativeDesignMethod #Technology #Unity #SocialActivities #ReducedHandFunction


Mads Birger Christensen
Silas Samson Zachariasen
Josefine Amalie Larsen


Martin Haurballe Olsen


Odense Tekniske Gymnasium
Odense /
  Odense –  
  Syddanmark –

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Mads Birger Christensen
Silas Samson Zachariasen
Josefine Amalie Larsen


Martin Haurballe Olsen


Odense Tekniske Gymnasium
  Odense –  
  Syddanmark –

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